Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chariots of the Gods - Ancient Astronauts?

Just saw the documentary "Chariots of The Gods". I must it was a very thought provoking experience although i did not completely agree with the documentary. But, I will recommend it to anyone looking for some new ideas and a fresh perspective.
The documentary examines the hypothesis that the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by aliens who were welcomed as gods.
The documentary is very well put together and logically examines the existence of:
  • Structures and artifacts from ancient times that seemingly look out of place based on their technical complexity.
  • Ancient artwork depicting astronauts/alien like entities.
  • Artwork depicting flying objects that may be interpreted as spaceships or rockets.
These aliens were then thought of as Gods by the humans and entire religions and belief systems cropped up out of this simple mis-interpretation. A very powerful and controversial statement.
Evidence produced does force your mind to think of possible explanations. But i guess the documentary has underplayed the genius of the human mind. Quite a few of the feats have been shown to be possible under ancient circumstances.
But, there are quite a few pieces that have been un-explained and the only logical answer seems that we were visited by aliens long back. This is supported by numerous "Out of place artifacts" and should make for a very interesting watch.

I would suggest you to see the movie with an open mind with no pre-conceived notions and enjoy the argument being presented and think for yourself and draw an independent conclusion.

Cheetahs hunt Deer??

Found an interesting piece of information...

Why is the Cheetah scratching the Deer lovingly instead of eating him up??

These Cheetahs have their stomachs full and do not need to hunt. Cheetahs hunt only in late phases of afternoons and then rest. This beautiful picture was captured by Denis Huot in the Masai Mara (Kenya). The expression of care and bonding continued for about 15 minutes.

You could not be more wrong if you assumed the simple predator-prey relationship.

- The Free Thinker.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Here is some good food for thought....

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Challenging Assumptions - What and How?

As human beings born and raised in a society we are bound by assumptions, prejudices and the values of our forefathers, family and peers.
Most of us do not realize that the way we think, decide and act upon all matters (whether trivial or complex) are heavily influenced by:

1. The morals and the value system of our parents.
2. The peer environment that we had been exposed to as kids.
3. The religion we believe in just because we were born in a family that practices that religion.
4. The culture of the community/nation we were born in.

Some people would say that the above mentioned factors are what define us as an individual.

I happen to have a different view on the same:                                                                                                

I believe that all the above factors do not define you or me as an individual. Rather, these influences change a kid's beliefs to align them with that of a group, society or cult.
Original and free thinking is severely impacted by the way we are raised and the education system we have been exposed to.

For example, a kid born and raised in a terrorist outfit would probably hate the western world all his life without even questioning the beliefs and education he was imparted.

While the above is a more extreme example, it does clarify that the way you and me have been schooled and raised, trains and conditions us to be a part of "The Group" rather than promoting free will and original thinking.

Most of the stuff we like, the choices we make, our likes and dislikes are actually not what you or me could really call "My Preferences". These "preferences" were formed of time and influenced by the moral and the value system we were exposed to.

The icing on the cake is when we realize that we never had the independence or the discretion to choose this system of morals, values and religion by ourselves. This is what we were taught and always believed in. Some of the most important beliefs we live and swear by were never chosen or questioned by us!!

This is what I like to do:

Being naked. Yes… being naked!

We are not naked when we take of our clothes. We would still be wearing our assumptions. beliefs, faith, religion, morals and values.

If you could take these off for an hour and spend that hour thinking like a free man who is unaffected by any external influences and uses logic and rational approach to think for himself/herself, take decisions by self and not succumb to peer, family or societal pressures.
Then, you would have the satisfaction of living life at your own terms and making your decisions.

Remember… Challenge Assumptions!!